
How to Become a Healthcare Compliance Officer

The career outlook for healthcare compliance careers is very promising. A few years ago, The Wall Street Journal labeled compliance officer the hottest job in America.

April 01, 2021


Could eConsults Help with Physician Specialist Shortages?

In a March 18, 2019 New York Times article, Austin Frakt talks about the potential benefits of eConsults for healthcare. In essence, eConsults occur when a primary care doctor consults a specialist about a patient electronically, probably by email, in place of an appointment.

April 01, 2021


Think About Accountability to Improve Healthcare Employee Engagement

Creating a culture where employees own their own accountability can create higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.

April 01, 2021


Use National LGBT Health Awareness Week To Address Disparities In Care

National LGBT Health Awareness Week is the ideal time to review policies and procedures in place—as well as appropriate training—for treating this large, diverse, and at-risk community with compassion and respect.

April 01, 2021


Healthcare HR Week Salutes the Important Work of Healthcare Human Resources Professionals

Healthcare HR Professionals Week has arrived, and that means it’s a great time to look at how HR supports every aspect of the HR workplace — and discover ways to help these hardworking professionals deliver comprehensive, successful solutions for workplace training and development.

April 01, 2021


Challenges for Resuscitation across the Care Continuum

The care continuum involves many settings, including home health/hospice, ambulatory surgery, assisted living, and clinics. Care varies widely across the continuum from a traditional hospital environment, and these settings face unique challenges when it comes to resuscitation.

April 01, 2021


13 Smart Things Every Medical Staff Services Professional Should Know

How well we react to the changes in our worklife is an indicator of how effective we will be in our profession. Here are 13 smart things that every medical staff professional should know.

April 01, 2021


Turn Mistakes into Opportunities for Performance Improvement: FPPE Action Plans

A medical or professional mistake may trigger a Focused Professional Practice Evaluation (FPPE) for cause. These recommendations can help organizations create an FPPE action plan that embodies a culture of learning and opportunity for improvement.

April 01, 2021


Responding to a Conflict of Interest Violation: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Fires Former Acclaimed Medical Director

How an organization responds to a serious conflict of interest is very important and can have a great deal of influence on its reputation after a violation becomes public knowledge. Here’s how Memorial Sloan Kettering is responding to its lapses.

April 01, 2021


Five Assisted Living and Senior Living Workforce Challenges for 2019

Like many areas of the care continuum, assisted living and other senior residential care environments currently are under significant workforce pressures, from an operational and financial direction.

April 01, 2021


Unacknowledged Conflicts of Interest Create a Big Problem: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Avoiding and preventing conflict of interest (COI) is an important focus of healthcare compliance. When the medical director at a prominent research hospital failed to disclose his strong industry ties, it created a major headache for everyone involved.

April 01, 2021


Physician Groups, Clinics Will Continue To Battle Administrative & Financial Burdens in 2019

Physician groups and clinics continue to face enormous challenges around administrative tasks and reimbursement. What can they do to streamline operations and ensure less bad debt?

April 01, 2021


Responding to the Opioid Epidemic—Taking on the Challenge Begins with You

Like for any emergent disease, as healthcare professionals, we do what we know to do about opioid abuse disorder. Prevent the disease from ever happening and use evidence-based practices to treat those affected. Given the enormity of the problem, we conclude it will take a long time and great effort to effect change.

April 01, 2021


10 Trends for 2019 That Are Redefining Care Across the Continuum – Part 3

This blog post, based on a webinar, examines several of the major trends that are redefining care across the continuum for 2019, from the widespread adoption of new technology to the need to focus on preventing burnout and enhancing workforce joy.

April 01, 2021


10 Trends for 2019 That Are Redefining Care Across the Continuum – Part 2

This blog post, based on a webinar, examines several of the major trends that are redefining care across the continuum for 2019, from staffing challenges and a new focus for healthcare organizations, to lowering the regulatory burden in healthcare.

April 01, 2021


Rising patient populations, smaller workforce challenge hospice, palliative care providers

A rapidly growing senior population looking to age in place and receive end of life care away from healthcare institutions, is putting an increasing strain on the understaffed hospice and palliative care community.

April 01, 2021


10 Trends for 2019 That Are Redefining Care Across the Continuum – Part 1

This blog post, based on a webinar, examines several of the major trends that are redefining care across the continuum for 2019, from demographics and the changing and growing senior population to increased M/A activity involving all care environments.

April 01, 2021


ICD-10 Updates for 2018 Highlight Rising Importance of Proper HCC Data Capture

ICD-10 updates for 2018 reflect the increasingly important need to document and code Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCCs) properly.

April 01, 2021


Older Adults and Care Transitions—Improving Outcomes

Frailty, in combination with other risk factors, increases an older patient’s vulnerability to a difficult transition of care and re-hospitalization. Identifying it and making allowances for its effects can help improve outcomes for this vulnerable population.

April 01, 2021


Understand the Burden of Government Healthcare Regulation

The burden of government healthcare regulation has resulted in providers and systems saying they are spending too much time ensuring compliance, taking them away from their primary mission of providing care. What is the extent of the problem?

April 01, 2021

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